9 Mar 2012

Playing Painful

My own series of designer toys. This is only the start for me. As from this week i will start to build a series of designer toys, but not any toys. The toys will be made out of harmful materials and dangerous items which are typically used by teenagers to experiment with. These materials will include needles, blades, condoms, glass bottles and prescription medication. With this project I am creating awareness about dangerous social experimentation that teenagers and young adults are “playing” with. The idea of “playing” with dangerous stuff is communicated by creating a range of toys that are made of, or contains these dangerous objects. The general connotation about toys is that it is an object for children that they can play with. This object, a toy, is a constructive item that forms the child and helps him to understand the world and environment around him. It teaches him about relationships, identities, cause and effect. Toys are safe, educational, and enjoyable. By creating toys that are none of the above, using materials that are hurtful arises questions about “how safe are the things you play with”. For most teens and young people the experimentation of drugs, sex and alcohol is just a game. It is time to realize how dangerous the toys are that you are playing with. So I will be starting with a Rubik's Cube - that is made out of needles. Check this space weekly to see my proses, as I have only got a maximum of 3 weeks for one toy. Please feel free to give me your insights and advise as to how I should approach this project and campaign.

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