30 Jun 2012

Playing Painful

Condom Teddy This toy is made in the light of teenage dissipation. Teen finding comfort and love in irresponsible sex with different partners.
Seesaw from medication Young people using prescription medication to relieve the feeling of being on the edge. Wrong use of this medication can lead to drug addiction.
Aircraft from needles As teens and young adults experiment with drugs for the social fun and sake of experimentation, the implications of this dangerous "toy is not realized.
Rubix Cube from blades Self inflicted injury as a way of turning emotional pain into physical pain is often seen as a Quick fix, without them realizing they are increasing their pain on different levels of their lives.
Car from alcohol bottles Just like a car it can be harmless as well as dangerous if not managed in the correct way. Often the effect and danger of this is not taken seriously but can have devastating consequences.
These toys are made as part of the playing painful campaign against teenage dangerous.

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